Calext Adjustable Document Display System: Dividers

Meet Calext: a versatile wall-mounted adjustable clear plastic display system. Simply the easiest way to arrange and displaying pamphlets, magazines, collateral. The Calext system clicks into wall mounted Plankwall® slatwall panels and the adjustable dividers can be moved to custom fit different sizes of inserts. 

Perfect for retail, schools, tourism and advice bureaus, medical offices, and commercial use.

The bracket dividers are suitable (and adjustable) for A4, A5 and DLE materials - simply slide along the Calext track document holder to suit.

The bracket dividers come in both large and small to suit Plankwall® slatwall panels with either 150mm pitched slats (large) or 100mm pitched slats (small).

Product Code: 
CDSSML (100mm pitch)
CDSLG (150mm pitch)

Calext System sold separately in three parts:

Dividers: (This component)

Calext track: Document holder extrusion

end brackets 


